A zombie mural in downtown Lafayette was painted over after it drew
[courtesy Journal & Courier]
The University of Notre Dame will hold a two-day "Gay in Christ" con-
[courtesy Columbus Republic]
A dog in Indianapolis was found to be allergic to humans.
[courtesy United Press International]
Most wanted in Berrien County, Michigan: Nikkita Tanee Wofford, intent to murder; Andrea Nicole Miller, identity theft (Michiana Crime Stoppers)
A 52-year-old man claiming to be Jesus threw a glass plate at an 80-year-old
woman crawling across the street in Louisville, calling her the devil, and then
told the judge at his arraignment that he was the head of Homeland Security.
[courtesy WDRB-TV]
Lexington's most wanted: Featured fugitive Chawneta Adams, WF, 50, 5'2", 135 lbs, theft (Herald-Leader)A Laurel County woman was assaulted by a Georgia man she met on the
internet because she did not measure up to his expectations.
[courtesy WKYT-TV]
A Todd County man was indicted in a bizarre case of internet extortion
of sexual videos from teen-age girls.
[courtesy Park City Daily News]
The Louisville Zoo reported a virgin birth to a 20-foot, 200-pound python
named Thelma, who slithers with another female, named Louise, but had
not been near a male (all six in the litter are female; so save your "He shall
be known as the Snakiour" quips).
[courtesy National Geographic]
"If you chase two rabbits, at some point you end up losing them both."
– Taylor Swift
"I don't know about protons, electrons, neutrons and photons; but I've slept on futons."
– unidentified inmate at Texas Women's Prison
Quotations of the Wheat:"I don't know if I'm going crazy or I've never been sane." |
![]() |
Katy Perry, 30"Rockers":
Hasselhap Hebhoe, 31
Kim Kardashian, 34
Midori, 43
Alfred Matthew ("Weird Al") Yankovic, 55
Muffin Spencer-Devlin, 61
Patti Davis, 62
Lynette ("Squeaky") Fromme, 66
Hillary Clinton, 67
Judge Judy, 72
Helen Reddy, 73
Wanda Jackson, 77
Sonny Terry (1911-1986)
The Isis Coney Island diner in Detroit, named after the E-[courtesy Harper's, Snopes, HuffPost, Raw Story, NBC.com, AP]
gyptian goddess, was changing its name to Freedom Co-
ney Island. . . . A man in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, named
Konrad Peters was arrested for throwing dildos out of a
car at teen-age girls. . . . An "Ebola plush toy" by Giant
Microbes, advertised as the "T. Rex of microbes," sold
out worldwide; but Breaking Bad dolls were pulled by
Toys R Us after a protest led by a Florida mother. . . . Si-
erra Leone's national soccer team, which has not been
home since July, was quarantined in an empty hotel and
taunted with shouts of "Ebola! Ebola!" in Cameroon. . . .
A spider bored into an Australian man's appendix scar in
Bali and lived in his stomach for three days. . . .The death
sentence of a Christian woman convicted of blasphemy in
Pakistan was upheld. . . .Cyclone Hudhud killed 38 hikers
in the Himalayas. . . .Two women were hacked to death as
witches in Tanzania by men who said they had become im-
potent under the women's spells. . . .A man sued a surgical
center where he said he awoke from a colonoscopy wear-
ing pink women's underwear in Wilmington, Delaware. . . .
A man grabbed a maid's mop at a hotel in Bristol, Connec-
ticut, pushed her into a corner and mopped over her shoes.
. . . An Italian couple making love in the sea got stuck to-
gether and had to be separated at a hospital. . . . An ad fil-
ling up the entire sides of vans with a picture of a woman's
breasts was reported to have caused 500 accidents in 24
hours in Moscow. . . . Blossom, at 6' 4", in Orangeville, Il-
linois, was found to be the world's tallest cow. . . . A Uni-
versity of Southern Mississippi fraternity freshman on a
scavenger hunt took a female flamingo from the Hatties-
burg Zoo (the bird died, as did its mate, who was trying
to protect his bird). . . . A pumpkin weighed in at a ton 58
pounds in Napa Valley, California.
Arrested in Lubbock: Felicia Raquel Ramirez, 23, NOL; Christie Michelle Applegate, 41; Ruth Ann Barton, 58: Firewater OD
The presentation of the National Anthem through the first four
games of the World Series was all "country & Western" unless
you consider Santana and son Salvatore – who presented an in-
strumental rendition for game 4 – as other than C&W (but, re-
member, there are only three classifications of music: classical
jazz, and country & Western). Otherwise the presentations
were largely uneventful. Little Big Town gave us a "way-ay-ave,"
a "free-ee-ee," and a "the-uh brave" before the third game (and
thebucketflag had a hole in it); but their four-part harmony wa
interesting (even pretty good).
The best rendition was by Trisha Yearwood (fast-forward to 1:-
42 in the video) at the opening game – it was a little country
(but, what did you expect? She is from Georgia). She didn't in-
vent any notes or add any flourishes that weren't there.
The singing by "Phillip Phillips," the 2012 American Idol cham-
pion (whose mother and natal nurse did not know how to spell
"Philip"), to open the second game, was considerably less com-
mendable. He's also from Georgia, but his inflection was con-
siderably countrier than Yearwood's. Try these:
"what so proudly we helled"
"o'er the remperts we watched"
"the rockits' red glare"
"o'er the lend of the free"
Halloween is around the corner, and my 7-year-old daugh-Dear Connie:
ter has decided to be a cowgirl. She wants the boots, the
hat, and the gun.Is it appropriate to let her have a holster and a toy gun to
Confused About Halloween
accessorize her costume for trick-or-treating?
issue Next issue Archives index |
Books borf@borfents.com
for a Better America Box 413 The Columbus Book of Euchre Brownsville KY 42210 War Stories: The Memoirs of a Country Lawyer (270) 597-2187 Hank T. Hebhoe, publisher Natty Bumppo, writer/editor |
State excise police seized half a million dollars' worth of knock-off de-
signer clothing and bootleg DVD's from a flea market in Indianapolis. . . .
Gay marriage split a Mennonite church in Elkhart County. . . .
The Indianapolis Zoo called the Fire Department to rescue six passengers
suspended for two hours in a stalled gondola hanging 35 feet over the or-
angutan exhibit.
[courtesy Columbus Republic]
A semitrailer slid down a road bank in Sullivan County, spilling most ofMadisen Ramos is an offensive line"man" on the Kokomo Eastern High School football team (Kokomo Tribune photo by Kelly Lafferty Gerber)
its load of 1,800 pumpkins.
[courtesy Terre Haute Star & Tribune]
Most wanted in South Bend: Lakeisha Jackson, BF, 5'5", 155 lbs, battery, Christine Wick, WF, 5'8", 190 lbs, possession of meth, probation violation; in Berrien County, Michigan: Roshonda Cheree Wofford, BF, domestic violance (Michiana Crime Stoppers)
A Fayette County jail inmate, due for release October 31 from a sentence forQuotation of the week:
burglary, assault, contempt of court, parole violation and failure to appear, e-
scaped from work release.
[courtesy Herald-Leader]
Joy ("Alison") Hayes, former assistant principal at Madison County Southern High School in Berea, was arrested for having sex with two juveniles, at least one of whom was a girl (Madison County Detention Center photo)
Hayes, 43, was previously principal at the Lexington Traditional Magnet School.
[courtesy Lexington Herald-Leader, WKYT, WTVQ, Lex18, Richmond Register]
MoveOn.org called onAlice-in-Wonderland's GroinAlison Lundergan Grimes
to pull an ad calling undocumented immigrants "illegal aliens" and accusing her
election opponent, Senator Mitch McConnell, of amnesty. . . .
McConnell, an opponent of raising the minimum wage, denied he had become
wealthy at public expense – "That's a result of an inheritance my wife got," he
[courtesy Huffington Post]
Alice-in-Wonderland's Groin Alison Lundergan Grimes Alexis Kae Sarinopoulos, 17, Mitch McConnell Sylvia Vasquez Gonzalez, 41: Hold for U.S. Marshal (political impersonation)
"We have clearly stated what is required, and what is required is required yesterday."
– Ernest Bai Koroma, president of Sierra Leone
"I'm Jewish, and I'm gay. Would I be able to have a nice vacation in Iran?"
– Ari Shapiro, guest host of National Public Radio's Weekend Edition Sunday
"You so would . . . as long as you respect the laws . . . so, women, if they can cover their hair,
and cover their arms – you know, you respect the dress laws and the sort of behavior laws,
which are just logical things, really, you know."
– Kahmin Mohammadi, female Iranian-born travel writer (the person interviewed)
"I've had moments of . . . you know, waking up in the night thinking, 'Wow, that's kind of pro-
found.' . . . For me this just kind of really hammers home the serendipity of science."
– genetic scientist Jennifer Doudna, Nobel candidate at the University of California
"Now to all those Senate seats up for grabs: They're expensive – some are pretty nasty . . . ."
– Rachel Martin, NPR
"Decades of Smokey Bear and putting out fires has allowed forests to grow denser."
– Lauren Sommer, NPR
"The data, as I understand it, depends on hundreds of police departments' self-reporting?"
– Rachel Martin
"Well, there are things the data doesn't ask. . . . There's also questions from one police agency to
another about how they define certain things."
– Ryan Gabrielson, ProPublica news
"Those kind of conversations didn't happen often."
– Eric Deggans, NPR TV critic
Quotations of the Wheat:"The way to a woman's heart is through her vagina." |
![]() |
Cheryl Crowe (no, not Sheryl Crow), 36"Rockers":
Natalie Maines, 40
Farrell (given the misspelled nickname "Pharoah" by "Sun Ra") Sanders, 74
Lee Iacocca, 90
Anna Stoehr, 114
King Przemysl II (1257-1296)
Bert Kaempfert (1923-1980)
Jim Reeves (1923-1964)
Airlines' cabin clean-up workers went on strike in New[courtesy Harper's, Snopes, HuffPost, Raw Story, NBC.com, AP]
York for Ebola safety, and Ebola relief supplies for Sierra
Leone were held up in customs on the Ivory Coast and by
politics in a seaport. . . .The dog of the Spanish nurse with
Ebola was exterminated despite a "Twitter" campaign with
the "hashtag" "#saveExcalibur," while the dog of the nurse
with Ebola in Dallas, Texas, was quarantined. . . . A dead
black bear cub was found in New York's Central Park, as
wildlife officials in New Jersey prepared a cookbook in-
cluding a recipe for bear satay on a stick. . . . A sacrificial
goat kept on a six-stories-high roof in Diyarbakir, Turkey,
jumped off and landed its owner's 13-year-old son, killing
itself (and the boy too). . . . A pit bull killed a 6-month-old
girl in England. . . . Alaska changed its marriage license
forms from "bride" and "groom" to "party A" and "party B"
(so, how do they tell?). . . . Edward Snowden's girl friend
moved to Moscow. . . . Anna Stoehr, of Plainview, Minne-
sota – born October 15, 1900 – had to lie about her age to
get aClutterbookFacebook page. . . . In a campaign called
"go with the flow," England's University of East Angalla ad-
vised students to pee in the shower so as not to wast water
flushing toilets. . . . Clowns were terrifying children in Ba-
kersfield, California. . . . PBS was feuding with Harper's.
Two major league baseball teams that did not even win
their divisions' pennants – the San Francisco Giants, of
the National League, and the Kansas City Royals, of
the American – will meet in this year's "World Series"
(which will be on TV, if you consider Fox TV). This
happened once before, in 2002, when it was the Giants
and the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (or was it the
California Angels not of Los Angeles in those days?).
Relief pitcher Kelvin (say "kel-VEEN") Herrera helped the Kansas City Royals get to the World Series (by wearing his baseball cap sidewise) (his hero)
I've been married 35 years. My wife and I were in ourDear Freddie:
late 20's when we wed. I was living on my own, and
she was living with her parents and brother in a filthy
My wife promised our house would always be clean,
but after 15 years it began looking like her parents'.
She never throws anything away. I'm retired. I toss
things out while she's at work.
When my wife is home she is glued to the TV (unless
we are at the dinner table). I told her I'm ready to get
rid of the cable box, but she said she would pay for it.
I may take her up on that. Any suggestions?
Frustrated Husband
issue Next issue Archives index |
Books borf@borfents.com
for a Better America Box 413 The Columbus Book of Euchre Brownsville KY 42210 War Stories: The Memoirs of a Country Lawyer (270) 597-2187 Hank T. Hebhoe, publisher Natty Bumppo, writer/editor |
Len wrote Sun 10/5/14 @17:26 EDT in reply to FGDean, Jay Cory, and Uncle
Vik Stoldfeed wrote Sun 10/5/14 @12:34 MDT:It is my understanding that they call themselves الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام
al-Dawlah al-Islāmīyah fī al-ʻIraq wa-al-Shām) and by the Arabic ac-
ronym Dāʻish (داعش). They are a death cult that has declared war on the
world. It would seem to me that there would be far less confusion if "Un-
cle Clem" would simply educate himself.
It appears as though Honkin de Hope Annis is breaking two importantNetta Sekretarka wrote Sun 10/5/14 re last week's sports:
rules of life: 1. Never fuck with anybody who is crazier than you are,
and 2. Never fuck with anybody who has less to lose than you do. In
addition Honkin Annis, who has already made me dizzy with two differ-
ent (at least) names, is fucking with somebody who understands name
changes and has probably had more wives than Honkin will ever have
names. I say with a happy chuckle (if Hope Annis and Honkin de Spain
are one and the same), fuck Honkin. If they are not one and the same,
then fuck Honkin and fuck Hope, I say with a lopsided chortle. What
say ye other readers and/or subscribers to TH? Honk if you're hopeful!
We not only have no cable or satellite here in the boondocks; we can't get
any Fox TV stations, either. So for us, none of the major league baseball
playoff games is on TV, and neither will be the World Series.
High schools in the Mishawaka - South Bend area were
selling naming rights to their buildings and athletic fields.
[courtesy South Bend Tribune]
South Bend's most wanted: DeAnthony Osawemgie, BM, 6'1", intimidation x2, battery, failure to appear; Shutanua Kelly-Moreau, WF, 5' 3", 115 lbs, burglary, probation violation (Michiana Crime Stoppers)The U.S. Supreme Court declined an appeal by the City of
Indianapolis to reinstate an ordinance prohibiting adult
book store operations nights and Sundays.
[courtesy WFIU-FM]
The state Supreme Court ruled, in a suit brought by the Ev-
ansville Courier & Press, that cause of death is a public
record. . . .
The city judge of Muncie, mother of the Delaware County
Chief Deputy Sheriff's 16-month-old twins, was arrested
for intimidation of his new girl friend. . . .
A Hammond man whose relations with a chicken prompted
the General Assembly to pass Indiana's first law against bes-
tiality in 2002 was arrested for having relations with a Guin-
ea hen at a city park in Lowell. . . .
A state trooper stopped a woman in Union County and gave
her a Baptist Church pamphlet advertising a radio broadcast
by "Trooper Dan Jones" called "Policing for Jesus Minis-
tries." . . .
Connersville, pop. 13,000, was facing a heroin overdose ep-
[courtesy Columbus Republic]
Laurel, Kentucky's northernmost town, in Franklin
County, near the Fayette County line, just 11 miles
south of Connersville in eastern Indiana, no longer
has a Holy Roller Rink. Half a century ago a Pent-
ecostal church held meetings on Saturdays, Sun-
days and Wednesday nights in the local roller ska-
ting rink; but there is no longer a roller rink there
(a young lady we interviewed named Lisa, work-
ing in the office at the local school, said she had
lived in Laurel all her life and did not recall a rol-
ler rink there ever).
Louisville's Jennifer Lawrence ("J-Law") said people who looked
at nude celebrity photos posted by hackers committed "a sexual of-
[courtesy Associated Press]
Hands On Originals, a T-shirt maker in Lexington, was found by the
Fayette Human Rights Commission to have illegally discriminated
against the local Gay and Lesbian Service Organization for refusing
(on grounds of Christianity) to make shirts for Lexington's 2012 Gay
Pride Festival.
[courtesy WTVQ]
A northern Kentucky park with a recreation of Noah's Ark jeopard-
ized its $18 million in state business incentive tax credits by requi-
ring job applicants to provide salvation testimony and a creation be-
lief statement.
[courtesy Cincinnati Business Courier]
Bible thumpers beat back a "fairness ordinance" in the liberal arts
college town of Berea.
[courtesy Richmond Register]
United States Senate nomineeAlice-in-Wonderland's GroinAlison
Lundergan Grimes refused seven times in seven days to say wheth-
er she had voted for President Obama (her opponent, Senator Mitch
McConnell, admitted that he had voted for President Nixon).
[courtesy Lexington Herald-Leader]
Hottie of the week: Natalie Elliott
"Ain't that a bitch? The vice president thing."Quotations of the weak (give a numbnock a microphone, and he'll speak into it . . . ):
– Joe Biden, to Harvard's student body v.p.
"We have no more control over our government than you have over the break of
– Ed Kassig, father of Islamic State hostage Peter ("Abdul-Rahman") Kassig, to the IS
"Well, there really is some good data on that."
– Dr. Phillip Bale, Glasgow, Ky. (whose mother,
obviously, did not know how to spell "Philip")
"The study will be published in the Lancet."
– Patty Neighmond, National Public Radio
Quotations of the Wheat:"If you're hearing voices, the one not to listen to |
![]() |
With further research we have managed to resconstruct the mileage notes stolen from us at Kroger (along with the week's tabloid headlines notes) in the third week of September – here they are, if anyone is interested (and we are confident that Mr. Porterfield will be)
Susan Alexandra ("Sigourney") Weaver, 65"Rockers":
Ellen Travolta, 74
Tony Kubek, 79
Dick Gregory, 82
Thor Heyerdahl (1914-2002)
Roland Garros (1888-1918)
Charles Jeanneret Le Corbusier (1887-1965)
Jerónimo Giménez y Bellido (1854-1923)
Jenny Lind (1820-1887)
Benito Jerónimo Feijóo y Montenegro (1676-1764)
King Wenceslaus III (the Murdered, not the Good; 1289-1306)
Sam Moore (of Sam and Dave), 79
A zoo in Sapporo, Japan, tried for two years to get two hy-[courtesy Harper's, Snopes, HuffPost, Raw Story, NBC.com, AP]
enas to mate until experts used hormone tests to conclude
that both were males. . . . Ben Bernanke was turned down
trying to refinance his Washington home. . . . Pieces of a
toppled 8.5-meter Lenin statue – nose and mustache here,
an ear there – were on sale in Kharkiv in the Ukraine. . . .
Three armed men approached an armored car in Berlin on
walker and wheel chairs and robbed it. . . . The National
Institutes of Health awarded $466,642 for a study on why
obese teen-age girls can't get dates. . . . Kim Jong-un was
reported to have broken his ankles under his own weight.
. . . Devils Lake High School in North Dakota cracked
down on yoga pants and skinny jeans worn by girls in an
effort to keep boys focused on their studies. . . . A woman
in Glastonbury, Connecticut, was accused of making 162
frivolous 911 calls in seven years, including one to report
scratches on her CD's. . . . The county election board re-
ported that 3,287 new voters had registered in Ferguson,
Missouri, then revised the figure to 128.
Arrested in Lubbock: Angel Marie Sanchez, 19, Violation of promise to appear; Danielle Rebecca Mata, 23, overdose of firewater, domestic assault; Aniceta Elosia Hernandez, 30, too much firewater; Felicia Ana Lopez, 29, criminal trespass (Lubbock County, Texas. Deterntion Center photos)
Martin Delaney Smithson, 42, retaliation, turning water into meth; Delwin Vankeith Majors, 48, driving while under influence of firewater; Trumaine Clay Williams, 30, general mobery, molestation of a kitten
A former University of Kentucky football player, cele-
brating a winning touchdown by his old team in its 45-
38 home victory over South Carolina, fell from the up-
per deck of the stadium, 35 feet to the lower deck, and
was in a coma in a hospital. . . .
A freshman defensive end for the University of Ken-
tucky football team was suspended for being charged
with first degree rape.
I am an 11-year-old boy and the youngest in my family.Dear Friendie:
My sister is 22 and married to a bully. "Chris" is al-
ways mean to me when no one is watching. He pun-
ches and kicks me and shoves me into things. One time
he drove me to a friend's house and punched me in my
arm six times in less than 10 minutes. He calls me
names, including gay slurs, and makes fun of me for
being small and having asthma. He says he is trying
to toughen me up because I'm such a baby, and if I tell
anyone he will take it out on my sister.
I also feel really guilty because I find myself wishing
Chris would die in a car wreck or something. I know
that's wrong, but I can't help it.
Your Friend
issue Next issue Archives index |
Books borf@borfents.com
for a Better America Box 413 The Columbus Book of Euchre Brownsville KY 42210 War Stories: The Memoirs of a Country Lawyer (270) 597-2187 Hank T. Hebhoe, publisher Natty Bumppo, writer/editor |
Jay Cory wrote Sun 9/28/14 @12:17 EDT:
Regarding Uncle Clem's latest column, on the confu-
sion over IS/ISIL/ISIS, it would seem that Bill Clin-
ton was way ahead of his time when he mused over
what the definition of IS is.
FGDean@aol.com wrote Sun 9/28/14 @10:28 PDT:
Which begs another question: What do "they them-
selves" (those crazy Muslim militants who started
the group) call it?
Hope Annis Kind wrote Sun 9/28/14:
I have decided to change my name again. Please deleteThe Editor wrote back Tues 9/30/14:
all instances of my former names in your archives.
What were your former names? We need to know in or-Honkin de Spain wrote back Thurs 10/2/14:
der to delete them.
You dolt! If I told you my former names, you'd just pub-
lish them again!
South Bend's most wanted: Manuel Moncayo, HM, 5'3", 220 lbs, domestic assault (Michiana Crime Stoppers)
Gersh Zavrodknik, a Ukrainian refugee living in Indianapolis
since 1988, was warned unanimously by the state Supreme
Court not to file any more frivolous lawsuits (he has filed 123
since 2008, most involving purchases on the internet). . . .
A man stole an ambulance at Community Hospital in Indianap-
olis and crashed it through a chain link fence onto Maple Creek
Golf Course a few miles away.
[courtesy Columbus Republic]
Lexington's most wanted: William Jones, WM, 23, 5'8", 125 lbs (Herald-Leader)
The Kenton County Airport Board chairman sued a secretary who
recorded a conversation he butt-dialed to her, for wiretapping; and
his case, dismissed by a lower court, is now on appeal.
[Associated Press]
The 2015 Corvette (manufactured in Bowling Green, Kentucky) was
partially recalled because its "Valet Mode," which can record con-
versations in the car when the owner is not in it, violates privacy law
in some states (including Kentucky).
[courtesy USA Today]
A Louisville woman missing for two days was found alive in the
trunk of her daughter's parked car, by pedestrians who heard tap-
ping from inside and threw a brick through the driver's side win-
dow to unlock the trunk from inside.
[courtesy WDRB-TV]
"Bear at door."
– unidentified Canadian postal worker's explanation on a form as to
why he could not deliver a pacakge in Vancouver, british Columbia
"Would this be considered 'boobs on the ground'?"
– Eric Bolling, Fox News host, reporting on a female UAE
pilot engaged in air strikes against the Islamic State
Quotations of the Wheat:"The reason Jesus was not born is West Virginia is that they could |
![]() |
Kelly Ripa, 44Borf 's weekly BONUS:
Gillian Welch, 47
Gordon Sumner ("Sting"), 63
Lech Wa³êsa, 71
Frankie Lymon (1942-1968)
Ernest Evans ("Chubby Checker"), 73
Jerry Lee Lewis, 79
Jill Corey, 79
Julie Andrews, 79
Johnny Mathis, 79
Anita Ekberg, 83
Elie Wiesel, 86
Jimmy Carter, 90
Mrs. Miller (1907-1997)
Jeronymo Francisco de Lima (1743-1822)
Geronimo Mercuriali (1530-1606)
Political protesters in Hong Kong cleaned up after them-[courtesy Harper's, Snopes, HuffPost, Raw Story, NBC.com, AP]
selves, recycled discarded bottles and cans, and left an
apology note (in English) on a damaged police car. . . . A
television comedy series in Iraq mocked the leader of the
Islamic State. . . .Lindsay Lohan forgot her lines in a play
in London. . . . A comedian scheduled to perform in Hert-
ford, England, mistakenly showed up in Hereford, 150
miles away. . . . Investigators found 40,000 pieces of un-
delivered mail in a New York postman's Brooklyn apart-
ment. . . . A United Parcel Service employe in Phoenix,
Arizona, traded a stolen $160,000 diamond for a $20 bag
of marijuana. . . . Bidding began at $25,000 on the Texas
Gun Trader web site for the rifle used by Charles Whit-
man to kill 16 persons from the University of Texas clock
tower in 1966. . . . Five girls aged 11 to 17 were wound-
ed in a 1 a.m. shooting at a night club in Miami, Florida.
. . . Paris Hilton ran up a $230,000 tab and left a $47,000
tip at a night club in New York. . . . The state of Kansas
was auctioning seized pornography to fill a budget short-
fall. . . . Baristas at the Starbucks CIA were not writing
customers' names on their coffee cups. . . . Drag queens
shut out ofClutterbookFacebook for not going by real
names launched their own "social network.". . . Sarah Pa-
lin misaddressed the White House by two blocks. . . . The
three-tit bitch in Florida, reported in last week's Tabloid
Headlines, was outed by Snopes.com as a hoax.
Game 1 (and game 6, "if necessary") of the National League
baseball "championship series" will be broadcast on the Fox
television network. The rest of the major league baseball
playoffs – "wild card" games in both leagues, "division se-
ries" in both leagues, the American League "championship
series," and games 2, 3 and 4 (and 5, "if necessary," and 7,
"if necessary") of the National League "championship series"
will not be on TV. . . .
Four University of Kentucky freshman football players were
suspended for playing "manhunt" with Airsoft guns on campus
in Lexington.
This week's sports hottie is National Basketball Association referee Lauren Holtkamp
We were happy to see a vacant house on our block sellDear Dissy:
and were pleased to meet the new neighbors. We were
willing to overlook the tobacco reek and cigarette butts
in our driveway. Cat droppings in our flower and veg-
etable beds were harder to take.
But the real problem is that their teen-agers race up and
down the street at all hours and then park in front of our
house smoking and playing with their phones while rev-
ving their very loud engines, setting our teeth on edge.
These folks have a two-car garage, a concrete parking
pad and a long driveway. Why are they parking on the
street, let alone in front of the neighbors?
We wanted to like these people, but now we just wish
they would move out. Any suggestions? Talking to them
didn't help.
Disappointed Neighbor
Celebrity lookalikes: Flora Stuart, Martina Hingis
issue Next issue Archives index |
for a Better America Box 413 The Columbus Book of Euchre Brownsville KY 42210 War Stories: The Memoirs of a Country Lawyer (270) 597-2187 Hank T. Hebhoe, publisher Natty Bumppo, writer/editor |